Related Links
Information on earthquake risk and related topics can be obtained from the Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences.
Further information on natural hazards risks can be obtained from Natural Hazards Information Centre.
This organization is a joint venture between the Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences (GNS) and the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA). Research areas include earthquakes, tsunami, floods, volcanoes and other natural hazards.
Auckland Engineering Lifelines Group has membership from 40 government and private orgranisations and has been established to identify measures and co-ordinate efforts to reduce the vulnerability of lifelines in the Auckland area to hazard events and to improve service reinstatement after a disaster.
Further information can be obtained from:
Waikato engineering lifelines group has provided information on its activities at the following web-site:
Engineering Lifelines Groups have been established in most regions of New Zealand. Further information can be obtained from the Civil Defence Emergency Management Co-odinator from the relevant regional authority.
Information on Civil Defence Emergency Management including CDEM Plans for various regions can be obtained from the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management.
Information on Risk Management Standards can be obtained from New Zealand Standards. Relevant standards include.
AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Management SNZ HN 4360:2000 Risk Management for Local Government
These can be purchased online from